10 Tips On Google+ Marketing; “Plus” a Cool Infographic with 64 Branding Strategies

Google+ logo

by Matthew Loomis

Here are 10 Google+ tips to help you market your business.

1. Connecting your Google+ bio to your blog’s home page will greatly improve SEO. Your photo will appear with your blog posts in search results after linking your blog to your Google+ bio.

2. Google+ gives you the ability to organize your connections into precise, specific categories, called Circles.

For example, you could arrange different groups like Family, Friends, Business, Politics, Star Trek, Cat Lovers… whatever fits your life. You can then send posts strictly to specific circles (so your feline-hating Uncle won’t see your latest hilarious cat video.) You can also scroll the different news feeds individually.

3. Hangouts are a great tool to demonstrate your expertise on whatever topic you want to share. Look like a boss by offering free webinars. Use the Hangouts On Air feature and broadcast your presentation anywhere through YouTube simultaneously with Google+. This creates unlimited audience potential.

4. Hashtags! Unlike Facebook, Google+ provides the same hashtag search advantage as Twitter. So, be sure to use them to help your SEO mojo.

Just don’t name your child hashtag like these parents did.

5. Always link your blog posts to Google+ and make the post available to the public, not just your circles. Why? Because not only will your posts be found globally with Google search, the people in your Google+ circles will find your content high up in their Google search results.

6. The Ripple Effect: Like throwing a rock into a placid lake, Ripples are an overlooked feature that can help you spread your message out to a wider audience. Ripples help you find Influencers who have a large following. When you find someone who can help spread your message, be sure to add them to your circles and engage with them.

7. Increase your engagement on Google+ by writing long posts. If this type of post is filled with great information, the post will get lots of shares. This can effectively promote traffic to your blog. For example, you could write an epic post then link back to your blog for further resources. And don’t forget to use hashtags.

8. Direct Connect is the most powerful feature of Google+… but it’s still in the early stages and not available to everyone at the moment. Basically, this allows you to add people to your circles directly from your Google searches. Direct Connect will be more available over time, according to Google.

9. You can tag people and brands on Google+, just like Facebook. This helps you create engagement with associates and friends along with companies you want to connect with. For example, when you collaborate on a project, tag the folks and brands you worked with when you post about it.

10. Connect your photo to your search results. As mentioned in #1, you can help people find you by simply connecting your Google+ page to your blog. First impressions matter, so be sure to use a good photo, preferably one that is colorful and get’s noticed on the Google search white page.

Learning Google+ is essential in the long run for those who are serious about effectively marketing their business online.

Like the tortoise racing the hare, Google+ may appear to be “behind” in the social media race, but could very well end up passing the competition and winning the race.

And now, here’s the really cool Infographic I promised that lists 64 Google+ branding strategies. Created by Maria Peagler.

Google+ infographic